Top Ten Things That Annoy Me (for today anyway).
written on 2001-07-25 at 8:59 p.m.

Okay, since I'm in a decidedly annoyed mood, here's a list of things that annoy me.

1. People who protect their online diaries with passwords. If you don't want people to read your diary, DON'T PUT IT ON THE INTERNET!!!!

2. That one commercial where the teenagers are saying stuff like, "I thought you were the worst parent ever." And then they say, "Thank you." Okay. Those kids are not old enough to have come to that conclusion yet. If you thought your parents were the worst ever, it will take you years to get over that thought. You don't, all of a sudden when you hit 18 (which is how old those kids in the commercial look) realize that all the stupid decisions you made as a kid were wrong.

3. People who go on bulletin boards and post their poetry with disclaimers like, "You don't have to read this, but I want your honest opinion." Come on, people. You think it's good. You wouldn't put it on the internet to get someone's opinion. You're just fishing for compliments. That brings me to:

4. People who fish for compliments. It's just sad if you are so starved for affection that you'll make someone tell you a half-assed compliment, when deep down inside, you know they're not telling the truth, or else they would've said it in the first place.

5. People who act self-rightous towards people with depression. My mom does this. She makes me feel as if there is something incurably wrong with me because I have a chemical imbalance in my head. And when I already feel like throwing myself off of a bridge, that doesn't help. She'll say stuff like, "I'm trying to understand, but I just can't." And her tone of voice conveys this: "I'm trying to understand, but you're so fucked in the head that it's impossible for any normal person, i.e. me, to understand why the hell you're being so stupid about life." My dad agrees with me on this point. She treated him the same way. And that's just a pathetic thing, to have to look down on people with mental disorders just so you can feel halfway decent about your life.

6. Kids who claim to be punk, but who will look down on anyone who is new to the scene. Erica's brother, the famed Matt, did this to Erica when my sister spent the night over there the other day. But, I've gone into this one already, so we'll move on.

7. People who still like Limp Bizkit. I know that I shouldn't be judging people on what music they listen to, but give me a break. I watched High Fidelity the other day, and then I went out and bought the book. I'm feeling very self-rightous in the music world. Either way, give it up kids. Limp Bizkit ran out of steam just after Nookie became a hit. I'm tired of hearing songs in which Fred Durst whines pathetically about how his ex-wife is a ho, bitch, or skank.

8. The way Sara defends her boyfriend when she shows up with bruises all over her arms and then gets disgusted when one of her friends gets into a physcial argument with her boyfriend. I just wish she could open her eyes and see that the same thing is happening to her.

9. The TV show Fear Factory. This is the most pathetic attempt at a reality TV show I've ever seen. As a reality show fan, I am disgusted by this crap NBC is trying to cash in on. Only a certain type of person will actually watch that crap, and I thank GOD that I'm am not type of person.

10. Fate in general. Not only did Fate laugh in my face yesterday, but Fate followed it up with a smashing performance today when I attempted to go to the beach. Let me tell you, rainy, cold, thundering and lightning weather is not the best weather to go to the beach in.

Hopefully, the weather will improve tomorrow, so I can stop being so bitter.

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