Is that... fuzzy beef on the inside of the electric skillet?
written on 2003-02-18 at 2:03 a.m.

Canada was fun. I like Canadians.

And other than that, I've been working. Ah, the wonderful world of work. Tisha puked twice today. Fucking pregnant chicks. I swear. And last night, I said about two words to Theresa. She's been quiet lately.

Son of a bitch didn't do the dishes! I just realized that and it angered me. Okay, story of the dishes. Last Sunday, he says to me, "Hey, if you do half the dishes now, I'll do the other half tonight while you're at work." So I do my dishes. And a week later, I was still waiting to him to do his. So, finally the stench got to me and I broke down and did his dishes. And I said, "Since I did all the rest of the dishes, will you please clean off the electric skillet while I'm at work tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I will."

Bastard called off work today, ordered a $100 speaker system for the computer, was late picking me up, and STILL DIDN'T DO THE DISHES! So I asked him, when I got in the car, "Did you do the dishes?" He said, "No, but I'll do them when I get home."

The funky-ass skillet is still sitting on the stove. And I'm not really surprised.

I told Tisha, "I bet you $50 the dishes aren't done when I get home." And she said, "He might've done them." And I laughed. And I was right, too.

I'm on dishes strike. I'm not washing another dish until he washes that skillet.

And that's the name of that tune.

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