I just want to be loved.
written on Sunday, Jun. 15, 2003 at 10:48 PM

The weather is finally looking up. This is good, because due to my S.A.D., my mood is severly dependent on whether or not the sun is shining. And it finally feels like summer. This is the best thing since sliced bread.

Not much has been going on. Last night, we had a good old fashioned book burning at Phil's house. My mom has all these books sitting around her kitchen, because she used to sell them on Ebay. So, we took them and burned them. Rock.

Tonight, I worked. And that's about it. I've got this new thing at work, where I want to prove myself and get more responsibility. It all started when Kristen started being allowed to make orders out for things. I don't get to do this. And it mad me mad, which fueled me. Then, on Friday, I went in there and now she's allowed to cash checks. I don't know why I'm taking it so bad, but it feels like an insult to me, because until recently we've always been equals at the store. Now, she's one step ahead of me and I can't stand it. I mean, granted, she's been there for a year longer than me, but I think I'm a fairly responsible person. Why can't I cash checks? Why can't I make orders? Why can't I do money orders (actually, Kristen doesn't get to do this either, but it's by choice, which is why I want to)? Some day, I'll figure out my need for approval. Until then, my face will be smarting from this metaphorical slap in the face.

How the hell do you prove yourself responsible in a part-time job? I come to work every day. I do everything I'm supposed to do. I even do extra on some days. I just don't get it. And that's what irks me the most. I don't even know what I can do. Kristen just got handed these jobs. They said, "Okay, we're going to teach you how to cash checks now." and "Okay, we're going to teach you how to do the Bud order now." And I get shit. Dammit, I suck.

And now I'm all mad, so I'm going to stop because I'll just get worse.

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