10 Things You Don't Know About Me.
written on Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2003 at 3:57 AM

Here's some things you may not know about me:

1) I once wrote out a list of the all the things the perfect guy for me would have. It included tattoos, piercings, and a penchant for wearing hats.

2) I played the drums once. When I was in the 8th grade, my friends Sarah and Megan and I got all crazy over The Punk Music and we decided we wanted to start a band. Actually, it more went like this:

In our fair cafeteria, where we lay our scene... anyway. We were in the cafeteria in our middle school and Sarah turns to me.

"Hey, Rach. Me and Megan are starting a band. Do you want to be in it?"

"Uh, what do you guys play?"

"Well, I want to learn bass, and Meg wants to play guitar, so that'll leave drums for you."

And of course, I was all caught up in the glamor of being a rock star, so I said alright.

Then, I begged my dad to buy me a drum kit for Christmas. This finally happened just as the band was falling apart. I played the thing about 4 times. Then I loaned it out to various people. Its last known whereabouts was in Pat's basement. I haven't seen Pat for like 2 years. So yeah. The drum kit is dead.

3) I have never done any drugs, other than nicotine and alcohol. My friend Kristen once asked, "So you've NEVER been high?" I shook my head, although it isn't strictly true. When I tried to kill myself in the 7th grade, the combination of the prescription drugs I took provided an adequate high to last two days. I was in typing class doing wpm drills and I was convinced the teacher knew I was stoned. And that little experience was enough to keep me away for life.

4) My favorite color is green. The first favorite color I ever had was purple and then it was black, during my "teen angst" years. And then it became green and has so remained for quite some time.

5) When I was 4, I dumped my goldfish down the drain. I woke up pretty early in the morning and I decided that I wanted to be responsible and so I was going to change my fishy's water. I took the bowl, which was resting on the windowsill, and proceeded to dump its entire contents, including my fish, down the drain. I freaked out, refilled the bowl with water and put it back on the windowsill. Later in the day, when my parents noticed the fish missing, they questioned me on its whereabouts. I denied the whole thing, because I was convinced I was going to get in trouble for it. The whole mystery of the missing fish was finally solved five years later, when I came clean about dumping it down the drain.

6) Since then, I've become an honesty freak. I'm like that guy in Austin Powers who must tell the truth if you ask him the question 3 times. Only, I answer it on the first try. I've been lied to enough times in my life to know that it's probably best to just own up to the truth in the beginning because whoever you're lying to is going to find out and then not only are they going to be mad for whatever you thought you had to lie about, but they're going to be mad that you lied and made them look like an ass. I've been made the ass too many times. I don't lie.

7) At night, when I'm trying to go to sleep, I dream up little fantasies in which I meet new people and form new relationships with celebrities. This started with Tim Armstrong when I was 14 and has since continued with an array of people.

8) I once wrote a song about my friend Sarah stalking Robert Smith, sneaking into his basement, and stealing his underwear from his dryer. It was called "Empty Dryer". My favorite part went like this:

"But where had they gone?

I never thought a dryer should have a lock,

They were missing, had disappeared,

Just like all those socks."

I'm brilliant!

9) I've owned three hamsters in my life. The first one was called Doo-Dat, after a nickname a girl gave me in the first grade. She called me Rachie Doo-Dat, which my grandma still calls me. The first hamster died a couple months after I got him.

Hamster #2 was named Snowball. He was an albino hamster and a bit of a Houdini. We used to keep his cage on the back of the toilet in our downstairs bathroom and once, he got out and was swimming in the toilet for what must've been hours until my dad found him and gave him CPR. This is not a joke, my dad actually did chest compressions on a hamster. Snowball also got out and climbed into the heating ducts and ended up in the apartment next to ours. They called us and said, "Hey, do you guys have a white rat? Because he's running around our heating vents." Snowball finally died on a blustery morning in his second year.

About a year later, I got hamster #3, Frisky. I had no real emotional connection to this hamster, unlike Snowball. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure Frisky died because I forgot to feed him for like a week straight. Oh well. I never liked him anyway. He just wasn't Snowball.

10) I was on probation when I was 14 because I missed a month of school. This was actually the second time I did that, and so I had to go back to court, where I had gotten a warning the first time, and I got put on probation for 6 months and was ordered to go to therapy.

On a side note, my therapist talked like a kidnergarten teacher. She had a very high voice and would phrase all of her questions in decending pitch. She would start off in a VERY high pitched voice and continue on down the chart until her question ended in her normal voice. I didn't like her. She wasn't Snowball either.

And there's a bit about me that I don't think I've talked about before. And I like talking about these things, and remembering them, so it was fun. I'll have to do it again sometime.

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