written on 2001-02-22 at 11:27:18

I'm going to Florida today. I'm actually excited. I don't even know why. The only thing we have planned is going to the water parks at Disney World. I don't know. It's crazy.

I guess the reason I'm excited is because I'm finally going to be living a life. I haven't done that in almost a month. So, I'm ready to get back. I'm still afraid of going back to school though.

Megan called yesterday. She said she missed me. That means so much to me. Here I am, thinking none of my friends care anymore and she calls at just the right time to tell me she misses me. That's great.

And I let Vicki read what's here. She wrote me an email telling me how much she loved me and said that she would always be there for me. I almost cried. I wrote her back this really long email, explaining the whole situation, which she didn't know about yet, and telling her she was my best friend and I loved her and I'd always be there for her too. That's why I love her so much. :)

So, life's looking up today. Florida and my friends love me...

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