The sexy bitch of the Edmonton Oilers.
written on 2001-04-12 at 6:57 a.m.

Ahhh, 7 AM on the first day of spring break. The freedom is almost killing me. Not really, but anyway.

It rained hard here last night. Well, well, well, here comes Rachel's spring alergies. I just sneezed and sprayed snot all over my face. Okay, now that I've fully grossed everyone out to the nth degree, I'll move on.

What does this time of freedom hold for Rachel? Honestly, nothing. I'll be surprised if I clean my room like I said I was going to. But they are putting new windows into our place, so I guess I should by next week, huh? Okay, just for that, I'll remove the mass quantities of empty Wendy's chicken nugget boxes and bags of Cheetos brand butter flavored popcorn that are now littering my bedroom floor. I'll even vaccuum. Fun, fun, fun.

If it rains today, like it did all last night, I'm gonna take my dog and go play in it. If the neighbors have a problem with my juvenile pasttimes, they can bite me. Big time.

Spring is here and I'm ready to partake in all the fun, spring-like activities I've missed oh so badly during the gray winter months. Listening to Rancid with my bedroom window open so you can hear it outside, taking my dog for long walks while I follow behind in my rollerblades, wearing tank tops (this is insanely important to me, for some reason), going on bike rides with my dad, and any other predetermined and/or spontaneous unadulterated act of funness. I love spring. And it's here, finally.

I have two goals today: Do my laundry, and buy my DKM tickets. Both will get done, with a fair amount of begging for a ride to Hudson's so I can go to their ticketmaster outlet. The laundry is up to me. Hell, maybe I can even clean my room, since I'm gonna get all my clothes off my floor anyway. I actually think having a clean room would make me happy, too. So yeah, I think I'll do that.

Yesterday, when I was still up in the morning, my mom asked me why. I told her because I now live backwards, sleeping in the day and staying awake all night, which is true. She then told me in an odd (for her) mom-like tone that I "should get some sleep". But really, I just think she didn't want me around to annoy the piss out of her with the Distillers or Rancid. I know I like sleeping during the day because it means less mother/daughter awkwardness.

The NHL play-offs have begun. Okay, I know that the majority of "punk" kids out there don't like sports, but fuck you, I like hockey and I hate being labeled a punk. I cringe when someone calls me that. Anyway, they started yesterday and not only did I see the Red Wings win 5-3, but I got to watch Doug Weight. Oh yes, yet another sexy bitch to add to your sexy bitch collection is Mr. Doug Weight. They had this interview on ESPN or CBC (I don't remember which I was watching at the moment) and I just sat and drooled at the sexy bitchness. As a perk of working at Stanley's, we came upon two tickets to the opening game of the Red Wings season this year and guess what team it was against... if you guessed the team that Mr. Sexy Bitch himself is the captain of, give yourself a gold star. I got to see him up close and personal. Really, it was far away and not-so-personal, considering we were in the Budwiser luxury box and if he did by somechanceinheavenbythegraceofgod see me up there, I would look like a blob. A very pale blob of Rachel. So it wouldn't really matter. But it's the principle of the thing that counts.

So the NHL play-off continue and the Red Wings will win their series. And Edmonton will lose, but that's okay because I'll get to see lots of prime Doug Weight coverage. And that's what really matters in the long run.

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