written on 2001-04-21 at 7:07 p.m.

I got up, went to work today, and then I came home to watch the Red Wings lose. I hope that loss is a kick in the ass for them, and they wake up and realize it's do or die. Man, I'm a cliche machine today.

Anyway, so I just got on the computer and as usual, my first stop is my email account. I look at the usual junk email (I refuse to call it "spam"), and then my eyes rest on a name. Joseph (Enter odd last name here). Joey. Yes, the only one in the world with that name, I should think.

I read the subject, "sorry", and clicked on it. Half of me wanted it to be a stupid email telling me his account expired and he won't be getting my lame-ass, obvious email. But the other half of me wanted to hear from him.

The latter half was satisfied. He wrote about how he forgot he gave me the address and finally read it and replied immediately. He said he missed talking to me. He said I was pretty and smart. He talked about the affect my brother has had on his life. He actually wrote more than three sentences. In fact, I think he wrote me more than I wrote him, which isn't usually the case with my emails. I tend to be a bit longwinded in all areas in my life.

I don't know what to do. Maybe I'm just being dramatic and crazy as usual. Maybe I should just do what I want to do, and write him back. But part of me doesn't want to play this game again. I don't want to be more into someone than they are me again. And I definitely don't want to feel the way I had been about Joey again, considering he's 1000 miles away. But another part of me wants to learn how to deal with it. I want to learn how to NOT feel that way about someone who's 1000 miles away. I don't want to be deeply infatuated with Joey again. Right now, at this point in my life, he's just something that happened. I don't want to remember almost crying on the way home. I don't want to remember missing him, actually missing him, after only knowing him for four days.

So here's what I'm going to do. I'll write him back, as friends. I'll write like friends write. Because that's all we are. So what if he's one of the coolest people I've met lately. So what if I felt more comfortable around him after a day than I ever did in all the time I was with Dave. Just friends. And if I go down there in July, that's all I'll go down there expecting.


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