I swallowed all my sense and...
written on 2001-04-22 at 11:23 p.m.

Finally, after overanalyzing everything in my head, I wrote back to Joey. I tried to come off cool and collected, but I think I came off indifferent. The story of my life...

I mean, he told me I was pretty and smart, and said he regretted not talking to me. I told him it was a happy surprise that he wrote. I then proceeded to write six paragraphs detailing my non-entralling life, in the most enthralling way possible. Indifference doesn't really seem to me to be number one on the "desirable qualities" list. But, fuck it. What's done is done. And I already sent it. I can't very well grab it back over the internet.

Kristen went to Tampa over spring break. Apparently, she came back yesterday, and came running into work with the exciting news that she's suddenly, in a week's time, fallen head-over-heels in love with a 24 year old and is moving down there in June. First word that comes to mind is: INSANITY. The second thing is: UNDERSTANDING. I mean, come off it, Rachel. Like if it was at all possible, I wouldn't have uprooted my life and hopped the first flight to Jacksonville to start my new life over as Mrs. Joey. But that wore off. And I'm hoping that it will for Kristen, too. Because when you're young and impulsive, it all seems like a fairy tale. Then, you realize that the guy you think you want to be with forever goes out getting drunk with his friends EVERY Saturday night. And you know that would get on your last nerve. And he listens to No Doubt.

Okay, obviously, I'm relating her story to my life. And I'm typing this out and all I'm thinking is, He reads, though. He skateboards. He called you beautiful. Hell, he could secretly be a transexual and you know you'd still jump his bones the next chance you got.

But then I remember that they say to go with your first instinct and I remember, INSANITY. I just don't want Kristen to get hurt. I don't want this to be another disappointment in her life, like her mom, and Ryan, and all that other shit that made her go running into the bathroom crying when the fairy tale wore off.

Bollocks. All of it is bullocks to me. I know how I feel and I'm already getting excited about my non-existent trip to Florida in July. The same trip that is barely in the planning stages and probably won't happen like everything else you plan in my life. But whatever happens, he wrote back. And that means that everything else excluded, at least he doesn't think you're the plague. And he mentioned about how whenever he asked about me, Chris gave him dirty looks. Which, consequently, means he's asked about me. Fucking Chris probably just thinks he's doing it to get a rise out of him. Which isn't true, because he, apparently, respects my brother more than I've ever heard of anyone respecting him.

So, part of me is going crazy, but the other part is perfectly content with smiling for the rest of my life. I'm going to ignore the first, and embrace the latter.


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