Another day wasted...
written on 2001-05-15 at 1:00 a.m.

Today was an interesting day.

Megan called me after us not talking for awhile. So, she finally explained to me that she got arrested for being in the car with these guys who had drugs (that's the short version of the story). She got a mugshot and all that good shit. Craziness insues.

Then she came over for a few minutes to get her shoes back. I walked out and I threw them across the parking lot and she said I was "looking punk today." I smiled, because that's exactly what I was going for. Anyway, Meg, Cassie and I hung out for about five minutes, reminicing about the time we tried to climb onto Gudith Elementary's roof and I ended up hanging off a pipe on the side of the building when Cassie fell into a bush and Meg fell down and peed her pants. Then Cassie, when we were climbing the fence into The Villa, got her hood stuck and was hanging there for a couple minutes until we could untangle her. Those were the days.

So, Meg and Cassie leave, because Meg had to go to work (which was the reason she came to get the shoes). I'm sitting around listening to (what else) Good Charlotte. Then I turn around and see Vicki pull up. I got out to greet her and Mel comes out of the car looking fairly disgruntled. I didn't know what was up, but Vicki came up and gave me the snow globe she got me last year, but forgot to give me, and an "I (HEART) N.Y." shirt she got this past weekend. I was totally stoked and I know I'll wear that shirt until it falls apart. And she quietly tells me that Mel's in a pissed off mood, but she didn't know why.

So they all come in and Vicki ends up sitting in the spot that Lucky pissed on this morning. She's just like, "Okay, your floor's wet." Then I just looked at where she was sitting and I was like, "Oh my God! My dog peed there this morning." What else do you say in that situation? So, she gets all pissed and called me a bitch, but with Vicki, you get used to shit like that. Finally, she ends up going home and so Mel and I hung out for a few minutes.

She started talking about how Vicki's been pissing her off lately, hurting her feelings by saying dumb shit and all that. And I know what she's saying, because Vicki says a lot of stuff that she doesn't mean as a put-down, but it comes off that way, you know? And even though you know she doesn't mean it, it still hurts. Finally, I learned just to ignore it, and that's why we're still friends after 7 years. But, apparently, Mel hasn't reached that point.

So, Vicki returns in clean pants, and we head to the mall (ick). We walk around and go into a bunch of dumb stores and finally end up in the two semi-decent ones. By this time, I've succeeded in cheering Mel up, which I'm pretty good at. When we hang out, it's impossible for either of us not to be cracking up the whole time. She's awesome. And we compliment each other's sense of humor. Funny, funny stuff happens when we hang out. Anyway...

We all decided we want to molest the guy in Gadzooks. We haven't figured out how yet, but I'm pretty sure it's going to involve luring him into the dressing room. This is an interesting thing, because, generally speaking, we can never agree on guys.

So, after our fun mall trip, we took Mel home and I tried to explain why she was mad to Vicki. But it's really hard to explain that someone's being a bitch and not hurt their feelings, so I don't think I succeeded as much as I wished. Then we went back to Vicki's house and she was a total psycho-bitch to her mom, and then I went home.

That was my day. I didn't study. I didn't figure out what's going to happen in my story. I didn't do any homework. Another day wasted by an irresponsible teenager.

"Your future's no future, I control my future." Festival Song by Good Charlotte

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