"See... he likes girls, not boys!"
written on 2001-05-16 at 4:17 a.m.

Lars talked about how dumb they can be, and he is one. My mom is constantly reminding me of the fact. It's practically my best friend's life motto. So once again, I'm here to reiterate: BOYS ARE DUMB!

I was reading iamagirl's diary, as I do on a daily basis and she came up with the most awesome quote ever. So here it is: "I think you mean well. And you are a boy. So that just screws it up right there." If that doesn't sum it up, what does?

And it's true. A lot do mean well. But they have no control over their feelings or at least the desire to use that control. Every guy in the world talks about the nice guy finishing last... show me a truly nice guy, I'll marry him.

That said, not all guys are bad. Don't think I'm sitting around bashing guys in my spare time. Reading my diary, I go on and on about nice guys in my life... some are my friends, some are aquaintances, and some I don't even know. But guys are... they're different from girls. Girls are, well, they're girly. All emotional-like and stuff. Guys, to be blunt, aren't. They just aren't. They feel differently and think differently than girls do. Even those girls that are supposed to be one of the guys... I am one of those girls and I'm one of the more emotional people I know. I just grew up with two older brothers and that kind of stuff rubs off on you.

All in all, this entry has no point. I'm giving much respect to Gretchen a.k.a. iamagirl. That was really the point. I love that quote and I wanted to add to it.

To finish:

GUYS I LOVE (in no particular order): Eric, Jon, Joey, Greg, Tony, Nick, that guy that works in Gadzooks, Cory, Paul, Chef Matt, that sweet guy next to me at the DKM show, Timmy, Greg Attonito, Lars, Matty, Little Brett, and the greatest guy in the world, my dad.

GUYS I DON'T LOVE: Dave (couldn't you see that coming a mile away?), Jeff, my 10th grade Amer. His. teacher Mr. Burke, Sean, Noel, that mean idiot on the other side of me at the DKM show, and, just for posterity, Dave again.

So, as you can see, the GUYS I LOVE list is considerably longer than the GUYS I DON'T LOVE list. I didn't put much thought into this, so I probably left about a million people off of each list. Either way, some guys are okay, but most are emotionally dysfunctional. Unfortunately, though, girls aren't much better. And even more unfortunately, boys and girls need each other.

I think I was better off when I stuck to my motto of PEOPLE SUCK. I'm an equal opportunity hater there.

"She asked me if I would stand at her side. Like glue, that I would, until the end of the night," Lars in She's Automatic. See... he likes girls, not boys!

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