The Internet as a social event.
written on 2001-05-23 at 3:12 p.m.

It's kind of weird. All these people on diaryland are talking about changing their screen name because it doesn't fit them anymore.

I hope I never grow out of Lint. Lint is a tribute to Op Ivy and, in turn, Rancid. To grow out of Lint would be to grow out of that.

That said, I understand the need for change. That's why I chopped off my hair six times to an inch long. I decided I didn't like having long hair anymore. It's also why I'm growing my hair out again. I don't want short hair anymore.

Why do we pick the names we pick anyway? A whim on a late Saturday night, and suddenly, that's what we're known as. A feeling we had for three minutes during a complex moment in our lives leaves us being known as something that's not us. The internet is a weird place. Everyone trying to be the best version of themselves because they can. They can weed out the bad and let the rest shine. No one has to know.

People go into chat rooms and talk to people like it was a party and they were making the rounds. I can't even do that. I'm so socially dysfunctional and such a compulsive truth-teller that I'm me in there and nothing can shine through. Some people go into chat rooms and pretend that they're older than they are, or different looking than they are, or have a different personality. Take Meg for example. She went into an Oi chatroom and pretended to fit in by asking me the names of a bunch of Oi bands. I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't go somewhere I didn't know anything about. I'm too scared of being found out to ever do that.

But just the fact that you can do that makes the internet a very odd place. Take diaryland. People you don't even know who live in places you've never even heard of can come on here and read about people they're never gonna meet and whatever they choose to put on here, which, in my case, is pretty personal. But I speak from experience when I say, there's something almost addictive about reading other people's diaries.

It's hard to explain why, but I think, for me, it comes from my desire to read anything and everything I can get my hands on. It's almost like reading a novel. It's like, I never think of the troubles people have in the context of their lives. I think of them in the context of my life. Because I have no other basis for comparision. I don't know them. I don't know anything about their lives or personalities or families... all I know is what they write about. And I know all about my life. So it's easier thinking about it in the context of my life. It's like reading a column in a magazine. You know it happened to someone, somewhere, but it just seems like a story.

Well, there's my opinion on the internet. I'll end with this:

I'm obsessed with peanut butter and root beer right now. Help me.

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