Leather, blue hair, and makeup.
written on 2001-05-31 at 11:53 p.m.

Last night, I was lying in bed and I smelled leather. I don't know where it came from, but a smell just wafted into my nose and I was transported back to a time more than a year ago. I was reminded of leaning up against his chest and inhaling his scent, which always smelled like a mix between hair gel and his leather jacket. And I loved it. Unfortunately, I can't ever go past Wilson's in the mall without thinking about that smell.

I did it. I dyed my hair a deep blue. It's fun. Then, after this washes out, I've got plans. I'm thinking purple, then red. Oh yes. I've got plans.

My mom has taken to wearing makeup. In the 17+ years I've been alive, my mom has never worn makeup on a daily basis. This was a phenomenon saved especially for holidays and weddings. But now, I just think she's lonely. And she wants a guy. So, today, she wore makeup to work. Unfortunately, she hasn't ever worn it, so she's not too sure how to apply it. I got to school her on the art of makeup. Imagine getting makeup lessons from your 17-year old daughter. I don't know. I think I'd be a little embarrassed. But that's just me.

Paul came over and cooked dinner for Mom's birthday today. Her birthday was Monday, but who's counting? We folded his laundry. I think he's lonely too. He's been hanging out with Pat pretty much non-stop lately. Pat's pretty much the only friend he has who isn't friends with Christina too, except for the people he works with. But, however he wants to live his life...

Note to self: Buy Tool's new album. And call all those people I reminded myself to call last week, but then didn't call. I don't do anything these days and yet, I still can't find time to call my friends. Explain that one.

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