...learn by doing.
written on 2001-06-11 at 11:25 p.m.

Today was just your average day in the life of Rachel. I'm avoiding the responsiblities of school at the moment. Just your average crazy teenage antics.

I'm listening to How I Spent My Summer Vacation. Yet again. As always. This CD is the first one I've bought in a long time that truly impressed me. These days, most bands get worse with time. I chalk it up to the fact that they run out of things to write about. But with the Souls, they really did outdo themselves. Not only are the lyrics interesting and inspiring, but the music kicks ass too. This album is almost as cool as my Chuck Taylor All-Stars. Almost, but not quite.

I talked to Vicki. I guess me and her and Mel and Lily are supposed to go hang out tomorrow. So I went and bought film today, because if Mel's gonna leave, I want to have pictures for her to take to remind her of the great times we had. We're supposed to go see a movie, but I want to go to Red Robin afterward, so we can stalk Marty for Mel.

Three days into the summer sun and I already have my first sunburn. Not a bad one, but I'm a little pink on my arms and shoulders. Who knows? Maybe I'll get a little color this summer.

I really do have to do my homework this time. I started to earlier today, but I put it off again. But tomorrow's the last day my tutor's coming. I actually do have to do it. *sigh* I thought being a kid meant you were carefree. Somebody led me astray...

There was a time, though, when being a kid meant you were carefree. I just think I'm not a kid anymore. In 6 months, I'll be a legal adult. In a year, I'll be out of school. But I still feel 12. I really do. I feel the same way that I did when I was 12. So much has changed, but my mindset's the same. The scenery's different, the words are different, the people are different, and yet, I still feel the same.

But, in a way, I'd like to think I've grown a lot. I'm not in denial about everything anymore. I can finally see what's real in my life, and I think I'm happier because of it. When I was 12, my mother could do no wrong and my father could do no right. Paul was the Anti-Christ, and Megan was just a little kid. I thought I knew a lot more than I did. I think that's really the biggest difference. Now, I know that I don't know everything. I also know that there's people out there who know a lot more than me about life. But I still won't take their advice. Life is one of those things you've got to learn by doing.

Now that I'm finished being philosophical, I'll end with this:

"They're not homeless. They're in a band. They played in France." Shark Attack by The Bouncing Souls (you've got to hear it to understand how funny it is)

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