An update in the life of Rachel.
written on 2001-07-15 at 12:20 a.m.

I did it. I was nervous and scared, but I went into New Skool and let them punch a hole in my lip. And it hurts like a bitch, which is kind of funny, because it didn't really hurt when Phil did it. But it looks cool and when in my life am I going to have the chance to look like a freak and get away with it?

See, this is the way I figure it. I'm 17. I work in a fucking convience store. I go to school. That's my life. So I'm gonna get away with it now, while I still can. Because when I'm 25, I'm gonna be working a "real" job and they won't take kindly to the violet colored hair and the lip ring and the tattoos that I'm planning on getting. Those I can cover up. The silver ring in my lip can't be covered up. But I figure I'll keep it in for as long as I can. Because it looks cool. And that's what matters right now.

I'm young, I'm hot and that's that. *grin*

The sexy eyebrow ring man didn't come into Stanley's today. I was quite upset. Because I had to deal with Sara and I didn't even get to see him. Finally, I've decided to give up on being nice to Sara. She isn't nice to me and I'm tired of it. Tish was saying we shouldn't order food without her because she "already thinks no one likes her here" and I just said, "Well, I don't like her." And Kristen laughed because I'm sure we've all been thinking it for a long time but I'm the first one with the metaphoric balls to say it. So whenever she said something, I had a comeback today, instead of sitting back and taking it like I usually do. It takes a lot to break me, but when you do... watch out!

One of the guys that races at Flat Rock came into Stanley's today. We sponsor him and he brought his car over. So Kristen, Sara, and I all went out and signed the back of it. He said he was gonna bring it back in two weeks with paint so we could all immortalize ourselves permanently on the side. So I've got to think of something cool to write.

I'm just sitting around listening to Lars and the Bastards. On Thursday, Pat called me and asked if I knew when the Casualties show started. I told him no, and he asked if I wanted to go anyway. You've got to understand this. I don't work during the week. I did't work Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. Then he calls me Thursday and asks if I wanted to go. Hell yeah! But it was the one day that week I had to work. Why is it that as soon as I catch a break, something's gotta screw it up? I wanted to go to that show, even before Pat invited me. But instead, I spent Thursday night at Stanley's Market. That sucks. Next time something like that happens, I'm calling off.

Mel's got an online boy toy now. It's really cute. He's this 15 year old kid from Illinois and he REALLY likes her. That's cute. She deserves a kid who's not a mental defect. And he's not. At least I don't think so. You never can tell over the internet. But he seems really cute (mentally and not physically). So I hope it all works out okay.

28 days until the Warped Tour. A lot of people have been saying it's a good show. So, I'm hoping I'll have a good time. Hell, I know I'll have a good time, I'm just hoping it'll be spectacular. And I'm hoping all my bands on the tour go out on their own tours after this. Because seeing a half-hour set while standing around with a bunch of kids who've never heard of the band on stage isn't my idea of a perfect show. The Souls will probably go out on their own tour after this, in which case I'm going. And I'm hoping H2O will go out too. Because I'm really getting into them. FTTW is a good album and I loved Thicker Than Water. So, that's my new band.

Last night wasn't a good night for me. I had this horrible feeling of impending doom. I was sure someone close to me was about to die. I can't even explain it. But I just KNEW, you know? I couldn't wait to get to work so I could feel like my normal, inadequate self. It wasn't a good night.

But I bounced back. And I'm alright today. I just don't want to work tomorrow. At least Sara won't be there. And Kristen and I were getting along pretty well today. We were joking all over the place. She's a funny, funny girl when she's not being a bitch. And the funny occasions are getting to be more frequent, so that's always good. I think her boyfriend Brad has something to do with that. When girls are getting ass on a regular basis, they tend to be in a good mood. Plus, she's got that euphoric high of someone who's starting to fall in love. Summer has hit it's stride and it's all good all over.

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