Update on Jared.
written on 2001-11-06 at 9:53 p.m.

It's a game of waiting and my impatient 17-year old mind is losing.

Why won't he write me back? I know he got the fucking email. He checks his email everyday and I wrote it Sunday night. I know he got it. But it's okay. Because I'm looking at it this way.

It's a shame if he doesn't feel comfortable enough to talk to me again. It's a shame because he's not as mature as I thought he was. Maybe it's an adjustment period. Maybe he doesn't know what to do. Hell, I didn't know what to do for two fucking months with the shit I was feeling. It's thoroughly understandable.

But whatever. There's going to be someone out there who I click with. Someone somewhere is like me. And they don't drink too much. And they call me after they go on a date with me. And they don't freak out when they find out how I feel about them. And they don't want to force me to go out when I don't want to.

Somehow, I'll find it.

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