Rob Santello makes a stop in my life.
written on 2001-11-07 at 7:50 p.m.

Okay, I just got this note in my notes thingie on diaryland. I'm not sure what to make of it.

from santello :

sorry about the post warped tour bumout with the book, but heck, you must be way over it by now, huh? check ya later. PS- greg got married after the warped tour. oh well. he kinda smells like garlic anyway. ~rob

Hmmm. Is this really Rob Santello? Could this be? If so, I'm stoked. If not... hell, either way, someone's reading my damn diary, so I'm stoked.

Rob Santello. How's about that? Hot damn. Rob Santello. Who would've thunk?

I've read that book twice. If it really was Rob Santello and he ever reads it again, I've got one thing to say:

I've actually quoted that book. I actually said something from it the other day. And I read Bouncing Souls Joe, Laura, Lori, Jace, and Meg a part of it when we were talking about masturbation the other day (that's a story and a half). I loved that book. My sister read that book and loved it. Much respect to Rob Santello for writing it. And much more respect to everyone out there who works that scene so I can pay $15 and go see a kick ass show that I'll always remember.

Wow. Rob Santello. I hope it was really him, because that makes my mediocre day into a pretty alright one.

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