Blech is a good word for today.
written on 2001-11-12 at 5:13 p.m.

And now, a week after I wrote him, Jared finally wrote me back. And here's the verdict:

He likes me and thinks I'm funny and smart and pretty, blah, blah, blah. But he's not attracted to me. Bah. Bah, I say.

So there it is, folks. Rachel is great, but not attractive. It really makes me want to cry, but that could just be the PMS. It's always been the rejection I've been afraid of. Always. And here it is, making a cameo appearance. And that just sucks.

So now what? What do I do with this? Luckily, I told him before it got too huge because otherwise, I'd be devastated right now.

Hmm. Other things going on... I had the worst party in history on Friday. It wasn't even bad in the whole "Oh, the cops showed up, but we'll have funny stories to tell for the rest of our lives" kind of bad. It was the "Oh, Laura broke up with Joe, who's in love with her, so he was crying on the stairs, and Lori was crying in the kitchen over Justin being gone, and Vicki drank a fifth of vodka and proceeded to throw up all over our bathtub" kind of bad. It was a -62 on the party fun scale.

Blech. That about sums up today.

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