A hell of a week.
written on 2001-12-31 at 2:05 a.m.

I've been sitting around all day in my pajamas and a sweatshirt with my brother's friend Mike's blood on it. It's been a weird couple of days.

On Wednesday night (the last night I wrote), I fell asleep cuddling on the couch with Fatty. I liked it. A little too much, considering the chances that anything will ever happen are slim to none.

Then the next night, I ran into Donovan and Cory at Blockbuster and Donovan said we seriously have to talk about moving in together. Cory, Donovan, and I were joking around about moving into an apartment after we graduate. I think it's a crazy idea, and I do believe that Cory sees the insanity in it. But Donovan is dead set on it really happening. I looked him dead in the eye and I said, "I make fucking $5.50 an hour. I can't live on that." He just told me to work full time. Fuck that. The only reason I'm surviving working and going to school at the same time is because I don't have homework at all, due to my blow-off schedule. I'm terrified at what a full schedule in college is going to do. I still want to work, but I'm not too sure how hard that's going to be. I do know that I'll have to have money for a car somehow. But how much I'm going to work depends on how hard it'll be for me to go to college. Donovan doesn't get that. He just assumes that it's second nature for me to work full time. I collapse after awhile. That's my nature.

Anyway, so we took the videos back to Vicki's house and watched them. Then she took me home and I went to sleep. The next day I woke up and went to work. My mom came to pick me up and she said something like, "Paul's at home with Mike. Mike's spending the night." She said it as if I'm having some sort of lurid love affair with Mike. I just gave her a blank look and said, "Okay. Should I care about this?" Little did I know how much I actually should care.

Paul and Mike disappeared sometime around 10:30 or so and at about 12:00, Kristin and a couple of her friends came over and decided to wait for Paul and Mike to come back. Which they did. Drunker than I've ever seen two people. Mike stumbled in to our house and immediately crashed down onto the floor, hitting his head on the arm of the couch. Paul came in and he was stumbling too. They all had fun and chatted for awhile and then Mike stepped outside with Brandon (Kristin's friend) for a bit. Paul went out there a few minutes later to see what was going on and all of a sudden, the door busts open and Brandon and Paul drag Mike in with blood all over his face.

My first thought was that he fell and hit his mouth on the ground. Then Paul comes out with, "Security beat the shit out of Mike," and I knew it wasn't going to be just another drunken adventure. We get Mike situated on the floor and my brother gets all tough and shit and decides he's going after the dicks that beat up Mike. I stand in front of him, knowing that he's leaving for the Navy in a few days, and I'm like, "No, Paul, just stay here." He gets all defensive and tells me I don't "know what it means to be a man," and that someone beat up his friend and it was up to him to defend him. Kristin backed me and we both told him not to go. But it was to no avail, until Mike told my brother to call EMS. I pick up the phone, but I'm shaking too hard, with my brother's friend lying at my feet bleeding all over himself, and I hand the phone to Kristin. She doesn't know our address, so she hands the phone to Paul. He calls them and we wait for the cops and ambulence to show up.

To make a long story short, Mike declined to go to the hospital and they all filed a report and Mike later went home. The blood on my sweatshirt is his, from when I tried to help him up and he shook me off because I'm a female and he's apparently too manly to let me help him up. Bullshit.

Anyway, it was quite a night.

The next day, I went to work and then Heather and I ate at Alena's and then came back here. Fatty showed up to pick Paul up and then he sat in the kitchen the whole time. Bah. It always seems to work this way, doesn't it?

Anyway, later on, they came back, all drunk, and I got to laugh at them, until Mom came downstairs bitching us all out for being too loud. It was fine when she was too loud for me to go to sleep because she was drunk, but when we do it.... it's a crime against nature.

Then I woke up this morning and I decided not to go into work today. So I've been sitting in my pajamas after waking up at 7:00 at night.

Tomorrow's New Year's Eve. I'm going to a party at Tai's house, with Vicki and Mel. I don't even know who'll be there, other than the aforementioned and Carrie and Amanda. But I'm sure it'll be fun, because there's going to be lots of alcohol and I'll be very drunk. Which I haven't been since my birthday party, be I've covered that.

It'll be fun, and that's what matters.

Happy 2002 everyone. What lies ahead, no one knows.

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