Five things you may not have known about me.
written on 2002-08-11 at 3:59 p.m.

Five things you may not have known about me:

1. I eat sunflower seeds with the shells on. I don't see the point in not eating the shells. I mean, yeah, they might hurt coming out, but hell, I figure if I eat enough of them, my colon will get all scarred up and it won't hurt anymore.

2. I love 80's poppy rock music. One of my favorite songs of all time is "Jesse's Girl" by Rick Springfield. I'm a child of the 80's and it shows.

3. I was on probation when I was 14. I missed like a month of school and I had to go to juvenille court. This was the second time that had happen, so they put me on probation for six months. School just was never my thing.

4. When I meet people, I give off an "I-don't-like-you" vibe. I wasn't aware of this until last night, when Fatty's friend Matt asked if I didn't like him. I was confused and later talked to Fatty who said that when we first started hanging out, he thought the same thing. I was surprised. But I can't really do anything about it.

I really do like Matt, by the way. He's a very cool guy. Anyway...

5. I often trail off in stories and when I try to pick it back up, I start off by saying, "So I was sitting there..." even if it has nothing to do with the story. I could be talking about the Vietnam War and trail off and pick up my story with, "So I was sitting there..." even though I wasn't born until almost 10 years after the Vietnam War ended. I just say it to get me back into storytelling mode. I don't know where it came from or when I started it, all I know is I can't stop.

I'm bored and sitting here eating sunflower seeds. With the shells on. Yeah.

Be a man and eat sunflower seeds with the shells on.

I don't know where that came from, but anyway, I just felt the need to update.

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