My kind of sucky, but not completely sucky, day.
written on 2002-09-17 at 2:20 a.m.

Today was a sucky day. I got up at 7 am, because that's when my baby gets up for work and I always have trouble falling asleep when he's not there. But I had gone to sleep at 4, so I was fairly tired. And I had wanted to clean my house, so I was going to go to sleep for a few hours, then get up, clean my house, maybe eat something, and then get ready to go to work.

Well, I laid on my couch for four fucking hours, just laying there, trying to fall asleep. Do you realize how frustrating it is to be soooo tired and to know that you have to sleep soon or you'll waste your whole day and then not be able to go to sleep? Grr. I finally fell asleep at about 11:30 or so and I didn't wake up until 2.

But really, I was fine with that. The house can be cleaned tomorrow or the next day and I still had an hour before I had to go to work and so I sat there watching TV and waking up slowly.

Then, at 2:51, I hear a knock at the door and I answer it, still in my pajamas, hair all messed up, not expecting anyone for at least an hour. BAM. It's my mom. She asked me if I was going to work, and I said, "Yeah, why are you here so early?"

"You work at 3 today, don't you?"

Shit. I did start at 3. I knew this. I had told Brian that morning that I started at 3 and worked until 11. And there I was, at 2:53 now, not even close to being ready. For some reason, I had it in my head that I didn't start until four. So, when I woke up at 2, I thought I had about an hour until I had to start getting ready.

Ugh. But I called work and told them I'd be late, and I ended up getting there at 3:20. Congratulations to me for breaking my record for fastest time Rachel ever got ready in. (That's a lie. I used to get ready for school in about 5 minutes. I'd put clothes on, run some gel through my hair, brush my teeth quickly and be out of there. If I wore makeup, I'd put it on in the hallway at school, or in first hour.)

So I'm in the car on the way to work and my mom asked me if my brother called me. He did, in fact, leave a message on my machine, although you'd never know it was him, since he kind of went on for five minutes about wooden nickles in a weird voice and then hung up, leaving no number or anything. But I thought it was weird that she asked, considering we don't really talk about Paul all that much.

"Yeah, he called me the other day and told me that he was going to stay with you guys when he comes here next week," she says.


Oddly enough, neither resident of this house had heard of his plan. Apparently, he decided that he was going to spend a couple days at Jasper's, a couple days at Kristin's, and a couple days here.

What was my initial reaction?

"No. Nuh-uh. No way. Never." Or something to that effect.

The last contact I had with my brother consisted of us writing insulting emails back and forth. Now, he wants to spend a couple of days co-habitating my home?

No. Nuh-uh. No way. Never.

So, I got to work, and took out the garbage, and filled the sausages, and sat there. I was hungry, but not for anything there. I was thirsty, but I didn't bother to get up to drink anything. I was in a general blah mood.

Then the asshole customers came. There's one guy who I normally don't wait on. At all. Everytime I talk to him, he insults me somehow. And he's always drunk. T.T. and Trisha even got mooned by this guy. Seriously. He's such a drunken idiot that he told Trisha to "shut up and push your little buttons" and when she told him to kiss her ass, he walked away, pulled down his pants and underwear and mooned them.

I mean, come on. Who actually moons people?

So anyway, this guy comes in there and brings up a six pack. I ring him up and I was like, "Is that it?" He just stared at me and so I took that as a yes and took his money from him.

"Did I say that was it?" he said.

I sighed. "What else to you want?"

"You, to go," he replied.

In my line of work, I get hit on a little bit. Not insanely, and a lot of the time, it's by gross old men, but it does happen. Normally, I try to be nice and just say like no, thank you, or something. But not with that asshole.

"No," I said as I shot a glare his way. He was skating on thin ice. I gave him his change and started waiting on the woman next to him.

"Can I get a bag?" he asked, with his smug little smirk.

"Wait. I'm helping another customer," I snapped back.

Apparently, he was waiting too long, because he left without it.

I had no problem with that. Let me tell you.

But today wasn't all bad. I did get to eat Pizza Hut breadsticks. And Brian always makes my day better, so when he came to visit me at work, I was happy. And later, when no one was in the store, Tish and me talked, like we used to talk when we'd open the store on weekends, and I always liked that. And Terry came in and said that his and Kristin's puppy is doing fine, after being sick on Saturday.

I'm just sick of stupid people coming in to work. And having to do shit, like take out garbage and do glass bottles, when someone who works all day (ahem *MOM* ahem) could just as easily do them. And if she wears that fucking dress one more time, I'll snap. It looks retarded and I'm sick of her dressing like that and basically proclaiming that she's not going to do any physical work at all that day. AHHHHHHHHH.

I'm done.

And that was my kind of sucky, but not completely sucky, day.

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