The things you don't know can't hurt you.
written on 2002-10-24 at 3:00 a.m.

You know, it's funny. I was looking at some of my old entries, specifically the ones involving Mel and RK. And in the summer of 2001, after the RBF show, I said that Mel "promptly fell in love with (RK's) lead singer." And I remember that. How excited she was to go talk to him. And how excited we all were when I got to interview them. And how she kept going on and on about how hot he was that night in December.

And then came this year. Mel's now a lesbian. I shouldn't say now, because she's been all along, but it's a fairly recent revelation, so I feel I should write it like that. But it must've been shit for her to just be like that for years. I don't know. Maybe she didn't know. Last time I saw her, she said that she kind of always knew, but I think that it took Nez talking to her for her to finally realize it.

I don't know. It's just funny how you think you know someone pretty well, you think you've got them done, and then there's this intrical part of them that you're completely unaware of. Crazy.

Speaking of RK, they need to come back to town so we can ditch the boys and have a good old fashioned chicks night, just me, Vicki, and Mel. No Brian, no Trevor, and no... well, whoever Mel's with, it would be a girl, but they couldn't come either. It'd be an old school girls' night.

Yeah. That's it.

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