written on 2002-12-18 at 2:26 p.m.

So the birthday is upon me. I'm nineteen. What's a nineteen year old supposed to feel like? Well, if you're nineteen, why don't you stick your finger up your ass, find out, and then tell me.

I don't know though. Matt's moving in next door. I heard them over there a couple of minutes ago. That's pretty cool. Now, when Meg suckers him into getting Taco Bell at 4 in the morning, he'll just have to go up the street, instead of all the way from Carleton.

So a week until Christmas. Yippe. It's just stress and being broke, every year. I don't think there's a single person out there who doesn't get stressed out by Christmas. Unless you're a heartless wench, in which case you suck anyway.

Who the hell decided to make the movie "Drumline"? Seriously. What lame ass Hollywood guy gave the go for that movie? "Hey, guys. Let's glorify all the band geeks out there by making a movie about them!" I'm sorry, but there's a reason why band kids were made fun of in school. They're not cool. (DISCLAIMER: I actually knew a lot of band kids in high school and some were very cool. Just not conventionally so. And that's what the movie portrays. So yeah.)

Speaking of things that suck, I hate John Mayer. I hate that stupid "Your Body Is A Wonderland" song. Music is in a very sad state when that gets popular.

But I'm a cynic, and I probably hate everything. Especially New Found Glory.

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