The lamest entry of all time.
written on 2003-01-10 at 1:13 p.m.

So I'm sitting here, and Kelly Osbourne is on MTV. And I never realized until I tried to spell it how many different spellings of her last name there are. But anyway.

There's not really a point to this entry, I just felt bad about not updating, so I'm going to ramble for a bit.

I got the stuff to bleach my hair and dye it pink. I went to Sarah's and we went to Sally's Beauty Supply and got bleach for her hair because she wanted to dye it black and put one bleached streak through it. So I got the stuff to do my hair too, because I miss my colored hair and actually at work, this old guy asked me why I don't do it anymore, which I thought was cool because most old people just think I'm a freak for doing it.

So anyway, I got home and that night I was like, "Okay, I'm going to get up the balls and I'm definitely going to do this tomorrow." The reason I'm so worried is because I dyed my hair dark brown a few months back, you may have read about it, but anyway, bleach doesn't work so well on dyed hair. So I'm paranoid that I'm going to burn all my hair off. And I asked the girl if this would happen, because I kind of like having hair and this is what she says, "No, it shouldn't. Just don't leave it in too long. Like, when it gets to the color you want, wash it out right away." And I was like, okay, I'm going to have to stare at my hair for an hour just so I can get this horrible stuff off of my head. But I was still okay with that. Then she adds, "But seriously, I had this one woman who came in here today and all of her hair did fall out." LIKE THIS IS SUPPOSED TO PLACE CONFIDENCE IN ME!

But I was still planning on doing it. I've bleached my hair before, and it worked okay, I just want it lighter than I usually get. So I was all set to do it yesterday, when I realized, I don't have any gloves. Gloves are like 5 cents each and I didn't get any. I also don't have one of those brushy things, but I figured I could wing it if I could just get the fucking gloves. How retarded am I?

Either way, I'm writing again, nothing deep or anything, but it's something. I think I wrote about 4 things the entire month of December and they were all entries for this or Livejournal. So they don't really count. But I'm working on that story,and I've been writing in here more, so I think I'm going pretty good.

Lately, if I'm at work, and I'm going through some emotional turmoil, I just get a paper bag and write on it. Maybe one day, I'll publish my paper bag writings.

Does anyone remember that Mike Watt song that had Eddie Vedder singing on it. It was called like, "The 70's" or something. I remember hearing that when I was like 11 and I had the biggest crush in history on Eddie Vedder, so I automatically loved that song. My brother has seen Mike Watt in concert like 3 times, I think. He used to be on his mailing list, and not the email list, the real mail list, and he'd get these cards that told all the tour dates on them. And I think him and his ex-wife actually met him once. But I might be making that up because I'm lame.

This entry serves to show why I could not be a mother right now. I'm worried about hair dye and Mike Watt/Eddie Vedder duets. Go figure.

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