"But all I want is not to need you now."
written on 2003-02-05 at 2:21 a.m.

I feel ugly in my glasses. I guess that's why, when I was 14, I got contacts. And that's when the first guy that ever told me he liked me did so. Which only serves to further perpetuate the whole ugly-in-the-glasses thing.

Work again today. I want to quit Stanley's and go work at Empire Records. But that's kind of hard to do for two reasons. 1) I can't leave Stanley's until October because of the knocked up chicks, and the fact that the bitches get 6 weeks maternity leave. And I don't think they're bitches, but the fact that they get six uninterrupted weeks off of work while I cover their horrible, slimy shifts really kind of cheeses me off. And 2) Empire Records doesn't exist. It's just a movie. So there goes that dream.

I really do want to work in a record store though. And not some fucking chain store. I worked in Media Play and I hated it. I actually went back to Stanley's. Why, I don't know. But I did. But I think that working in a small-ish record store would rock. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Empire Record and High Fidelity are two of my favorite movies. Or maybe it's the fact that music is my savior a lot of them time. I think it's a great medium and it can connect people in a way nothing else can. But yeah, I want to work in a record store.

"Is that it, Warren? You want to work in a record store?"

Had an awesome conversation with Kristin last night, involving Dashboard and how crazy it is that the songs are so... hmm. I guess it's just that it really does seem like the songs were written about my life, you know? I don't know. Maybe that's just me speculating, and reading things into them that I shouldn't be. But really, it's all about what I make of the music, so it doesn't matter. I connect to it and that's the biggest part. That's really the only thing that matters.

I was also watching New Found Glory on MTV today. And I think I figured out why I hate them so much and why I love Dashboard so much, when on the surface, they really write about the same things. It just seems to me that New Found Glory, aside from being a musically annoying band, writes about vague versions of the truth, of things that everyone goes through. So everyone, on some level, can be like, "Yeah, I kind of felt like that at some point." Because it's just so vague. But Dashboard... the lyrics are very specific, so even though not everyone can connect at great lengths to it, those that can feel like the songs are about them. And even if they don't connect at great lengths, I still think they get the idea, because those feelings are very universal, and even more so in Dashboard's music, seeing as he describes them in such great detail. And it's not the situations he describes in great detail, it's the feeling and that's really what matters.

It's all about what matters, at the end of the day.

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