The Souls inspired mayhem.
written on 2003-02-12 at 3:44 a.m.

Many things have happened on this Bouncing Souls night. At the moment, I am on Matt's laptop writing this, because it's too good. And I don't want to forget it.

The night began by watching the DVD. We have much Greg and Bryan staring, and it was fun. At the point that they explain how Lamar Vannoy and The Ballad of Johnny X were written, Meg and I put on Maniacal Laughter and I danced around the living room, singing the words. I screamed the part where Greg says, "But I said to myself... maybe." It was great.

Then, there's a part where they're all doing impersonations of each other and I started thinking about what was the most basic part of Megan. So I came up with the impersonation of Megan. It involves me throwing my hands up over my head going, "Wait a minute! I don't know!" and backing up as I say them. Her impersonation of me involves her complaining about working in a liquor store. "I work in a liquor store and I hate it and I complain all the time, but I don't ever do anything about it. I'm going to just sit here for four hours at work complaining about it." It was funny, because it's true.

So then, I asked my sister why she was going to shave off her mohawk and she said it was getting too hard to deal with it. She never put it up anymore... blah, blah, blah. So I said, "Why don't you just cut it short again?" And so the girl who hasn't cut her hair since she got the mohawk in June 2001, decided to let me cut "The Hawk". She now has a 2 inch long mohawk. And I have about an 8 inch lenth of her blue hair. When she gets famous, I'm going to sell it over ebay. And I'll get rich off of my sister, and we'll live in Mexico and sing crappy songs.

So then we go over Matt's and made another tacomentary. This is number 4. Here's an excerpt:

"The alpha male tries to lure the alpha female by impressing her with his manly adventures.

"He tries to impress her by showing his porn collection. I think he's trying to import thoughts of sex into her head. The alpha female doesn't seem to be impressed."

Good, good stuff.

Then I did my Megan impersonation and it was a dead-on hit. And we decided to liquor her up and send her to school, because I never did that, and I'm living vicariously through her. Soon, we're going to start shoving shots down her throat.

And just now, she did the thing I impersonated and it was hilarious. Because she just did it. "You-aaah."

And the plush carpet, and crazy comedians, and "his voice is his instrument". Oh, we've got stories to tell. Funny, funny.

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