My weekend of life.
written on 2003-03-24 at 3:15 a.m.

Booyah. I'm alive. And this weekend was like life condensed into two little days. Ups, downs, and things that just don't fit into either of those categories. I've felt very many emotions over the past two days, mostly fleeting, but it wasn't until I wrote it that I realized it.

Depressed, lonely, needy, angry, zoned in, rejected, happy, relieved, happy again, excited, amazed, comfortable, angry again, sadly relieved, understanding, accepted, impatient, frustrated, angry again, relieved again, horny, happy, tired, hungry, satisfied, dreading, comfortable again, worried, and then complacent. All in that order, since Friday night.

There's probably some I'm forgetting, but fuck it. Lots of stuff happened and that covered the major ones. You can fill in the rest.

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