Tattoos, QAF, and boobies.
written on 2003-03-21 at 5:54 a.m.

So yesterday was the tattoo. It's funny. I got my other one when I was 17, and I went into it thinking it was going to hurt so bad that I'd pee my pants, and actually it didn't. This time, I remembered that, but after seeing the faces my sister made while getting her's done, I was sure that this guy was using some kind of tattoo voodoo that increased pain levels to ungodly amounts.

But, sadly for my sister, that is not true. She's just a wuss. My sad, sad, little sister. And her "owwie face".

Today was spent sitting around, as I do every day off that I have. I managed to finish watching Queer As Folk, which was a marathon effort, but I'm willing to stick it out. I don't know what it is about that show, but it'd addictive.

And then I had to watch the bonus features, like a good little addict. And they said stuff on there about there being a huge teenage girl fanbase. And I was just thinking, "HEY! I'M ONLY JUST BARELY A TEENAGER STILL. DON'T YOU MOCK ME!!!" And then I realized I was yelling, in my head nonetheless, at an actor on a TV screen. It was at that point that I figured out that I was being a bit too defensive and should probably just call it a day with the TV watching.

And here I am. And there's a banner above this of some chick's boobs. This intrigues me, as does most exhibitionism. I just always have to wonder why.

That said, I'm going to go see.

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