Work and Florida.
written on Friday, Apr. 25, 2003 at 11:15 PM

Two days until Florida. I'm excited. Realistically speaking, I think I could go down there, lay on the beach for one day, and then come home and be completely happy with the trip. But I get to lay on the beach for 5 days! Sweet ass.

Other than that, not much else is going on. Working a bit, as always. T.T.'s been in a bitch of a mood lately, because she's finally starting to really show her pregnancy and people keep saying, "WOW! You're getting so big!" to her. I mean, come on. How thick do you have to be? She's pregnant, she has fragile emotions, and you're calling her fat? What a bunch of wankers.

Tisha also found out that she's having a boy. I saw the ultrasound picture and she pointed out the umbilical cord, and then this thing below it, that looked exactly like the umbilical cord and that was supposed to be the penis. I don't know though. I'll believe it when he's born. Zachary Walter is what she's going to name him. I'd put his last name in, but first of all, this is the internet and I don't want to put someone's name on the internet unless they know about it, and second, it's a really long Armenian name, and I'll be damned if I can spell it.

But you could see his face and his hands and everything. I was floored. It's so weird, knowing that that little person is going to be Tisha's. She can't even get to work on time! And she's supposed to take care of a kid... whatever.

That's about it for me. I might update before Florida, or I might not. If not, wish me luck in the sunshine state.

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