Get outta my fucking space.
written on Sunday, May. 25, 2003 at 1:23 AM

When I was kid, there was 4 of us. And there was apparently a lot of competition for chairs in my house. So a rule was established. We had to claim our seat if we left it. So we got up, we said, "I'm saving my seat." Then, and only then, when we got back, we'd have our seat. Otherwise, if you forgot to say it, the chair was fair game for the other kids in the family.

The same sort of rule applied for the front seat in the car. Unless both parents were riding in the car, which was very rare because my parents didn't like each other, one of us got to ride front seat. This was obviously before the whole airbag controversy. But anyway, you had to claim the seat with my mom. It was, "I get front seat." With my dad, however, it was whoever touched the car first. This became a controversy itself, because someone would touch the front of the car, and the kids stuck in the backseat would argue, "Hey, no, you had to touch the door first." Many fights ensued.

And everyone wonders why I'm so territorial.

Anyway, this weekend so far was alright. Last night was Matt's show, which was fun. Then we got the bright idea to come back here and drink. But by the time we got back here, it was 2 a.m. and we were all tired. So that plan was kind of squashed and we ended up watching The Osbournes all night.

Today was work and after work, I took the dog on a 45-minute walk. He had fun and I got to enjoy reasonable weather. Then I got home and cleaned my living room and my bathroom. The kitchen's still fucked, but that's cleaning Brian's territory, so I don't care. And the bedroom neither of us care about.

Tomorrow I'm going to a barbecue at my dad's. I'm not sure how that's going to go, but if it sucks, I'm sure I'll write about it.

I'll end on this note. If you happen to catch The White Stripes video for "Seven Nation Army", see if you can catch Jack White doing the Michigan thing with his hand. By this, I mean, using the hand as a map to point out where Detroit is. It's fucking great. But maybe that's just because I'm from here. I'm sure people outside of Michigan don't even notice it.

And that's that.

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