Attn: Stanley's shoppers!
written on Monday, Jun. 23, 2003 at 11:25 PM

Attention Stanley's shoppers:

I'm 19. The fact that you're 35 and a single father to 3 children does not impress me. As a matter of fact, I prefer shirking responsiblities to adding more to my life. So stop hitting on me.

Well, life has been pretty good. Finally got over my sleep deprivation that I suffered from the Harry Potter sessions. And I went to work today and had a pretty decent time. The drama between Mike and Kristen has pretty much worked itself out, so that's good. Because I was sick of it.

And Trisha's on vacation, so I get a couple more hours this week, and I'm pretty sure it's this Thursday that I'm going to see... Eve 6, booyah. 9th grade rushing back to me. I saw them with Third Eye Blind that year. Heh. But I'm going with Sarah, because tickets were super cheap and cheap nights out are my deal.

But Sarah emailed me and told me to call Megan Bailey, who I haven't spoken to at any length for over a year. I saw her for about 3 minutes a couple times, but I haven't had an actual conversation with her in forever. I don't even know why she asked if I could call her, the reason was unclear. But I don't even know her number anymore, so it's a no go.

That's about it for today. Just random gibberish.

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