Passion or obsession?
written on 2001-02-28 at 02:38:00

I can smell the cigarettes wafting off his breath. Every time I grin, I get images of his brilliant smile flashing in my mind. I can feel his fingertips brushing mine as we touch. I can see his lips. I can imagine them touching mine as we kiss. I can feel the safety of his arm around me. I can feel the comfort as I fall asleep next to him. I remember touching my right index finger to his teeth as he grinned. I wish I was still entangled in his legs and lying in his bed. I can see the mischief in his face as he pulls off my socks. I can still feel him running his fingers over my tattoo and kissing my shoulder. I've never fallen asleep next to anyone in my life. I've never felt that comfortable around anybody, especially a man I just met. The one thing that gets me most about this is how I can't stop thinking about him no matter how hard I try. And it's not even what we did, the way he touched me, the comfort I felt around him, the way we laid around in bed for hours... it's him. It's his smile and his personality and how much I wish I could've gotten to know him better. But at the same time, the one question running through my head is, is this passion, or is it mere teenage obsession?

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