Who am I today?
written on 2001-03-19 at Sometime in the middle of the ni

I just realized I'm not a recluse anymore. I do not need drugs to survive. I barely even need sleep to survive anymore. Sure, it's a nice perk, but really it's just something I do when I don't have anything planned and there's nothing good on TV. I can sleep 18 hours one day and not sleep for the next two days.

So anyway, I decided to change the title of this diary. I don't know to what, but I'm hoping my muse comes out of hiding and whispers something in my ear. Oh, hell, what about, "Who am I today?": a lasting tribute to my changing moods as of late. But no... I want something that describes who I am. I used to be a 17-year old recluse who rambled on, hoping someone would pay attention to her. But now, I spent the whole weekend sleeping on my friends' living room furniture, laughing up a storm with the same people I used to be afraid of. I now know what I'm doing with my life and I even have a back-up plan. It feels good to be prepared again.

So who am I? I don't know. I'll think about it and get back to you.

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