My sad life, divorce, and cancer.
written on 2001-03-29 at 12:57 a.m.

Here was my day:

Wake up at noon to my mom shoving KFC in my face. Since when has my choice of food become so predictable? When she picked me up from work on Sunday, she drove directly to KFC without even asking if I was hungry. But today, I couldn't even shove it down. I just wasn't hungry.

So I went back to sleep until three. Got up and went to the dentist. She filed down my two front teeth so they're smooth now. That's the highlight of my day. I've been walking up to everyone going, "See, aren't my teeth smooth?" Okay, everyone is my mom and my sister, but still.

Then I came home and tried to eat some Boston Market. Last day Mom made a home cooked meal: ??? I don't remember.

I watched the Red Wings game, then Dirty Dancing, then Train on Letterman and Lifehouse on Leno simultaniously. That's my life.

Guilty pleasure of the day: wishing I was Jennifer Grey in Dirty Dancing, just so I could have Patrick Swayze's hands all over me. Damn, I've reached a low point.

I did, however, do my review of The Mexican. So I was semi-productive for the day.

When did I come to this? When did my life begin to revolve around the television? Hell, when didn't it?

The perfect, I-strive-to-be-like-them, married couple are finally having real problems. I guess a few days ago, Christina up and left Paul and moved back in with her parents. I just want to call her and remind her of all of the sweet things she said about him less than two weeks ago. And I want to call him and slap him and tell him to get off his ass and go get her back, because he knows damn well that his life was shit before her. But no. He's too damn proud to do that. When the hell has pride ever helped him? Pride got him kicked out, it got him fired... and now it'll ruin his marriage. Sometimes I get so sad thinking about how oblivious he is and how I'm four years younger than him and I can see so much that he can't. But then, if I can see that much, why am I going down the same path he did?

Mrs. Lewis has breast cancer. Cancer. No matter how much they tell me she'll be fine, I'm gonna hear that word and think about how she's going through chemo and I'm gonna think the worst. Her son is my age. She's so young. She's too young.

Breakthrough of the day: If I just listened to my own advice, I'd be doing so much better in life.

I was in the dentist chair today and I was reading talk magazine and Benicio Del Toro did an interview in there. Damn, he is SEXY! And he's not even conventionally attractive. There's just that whole dark, handsome side to him. So yeah, he's my man today.

Man, today sucked. Yesterday it was the Warped Tour and Sopranos marathons, today it's my sad life, divorce, and cancer. What a turn for the worse. How quickly things can change.

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