To Vicki and Mel: My accessory to the crime.
written on 2001-05-29 at 10:13 p.m.

Man, I hate writing two entries in one day. But this has to be said. I wrote this earlier today. It looks like something Surmise would write, but oh well. Sorry for ganking your style.

"He's my friend, he's my alibi, my accessory to the crime."

You were my accessory.

Or was I yours?

Either way, there we were,

Three punk kids,

Trying to make our way

Through our teenage hell.

The crimes we committed,

The petty theft of mini-golf equipment,

And batting cage softballs,

Setting off Marty's car alarm,

And taking off at 5 a.m.

These were the things that forged our friendship.

Our friendship.

And they formed who I was.

Got me out of my slump.

Made me realize who I was.

And what was important in life.




No boys and not what "they" think.

Not any of the things I thought before.

But friendship.

True friendship.

True friends.

Who will be there for you.

Through sadness, anger, depression, and all the good things,

You guys make me feel.

It didn't matter if I was sad.

You took me to Denny's

To find my "rebound" waiter.

We danced in the living room on New Year's Eve

And made a toast to the year ahead.

Krispy Kreme donuts will never taste the same.

Laughing at the kids at the mall,

Stalking the hot guy at Gadzooks,

Stalking Marty for Mel,

Big Pimpin' and the Homey G's,

These memories, the short time it took,

To commit these crimes

Will be burned in my mind,

Until the day I die.

You two will remain my accessory,

For the rest of my life.

"A bond that will never die, 'til the end of time."

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