I make no apologies.
written on 2001-06-20 at 11:11 p.m.

I'm okay today.

I'm okay because you aren't around and I don't have to hear you talk about her.

You asked me if I was ready to see you with other girls and I said I hadn't thought about it. But now I have and I know I'm not. I'm sorry. No, I make no apologies for the way I'm feeling.

But I've been thinking and I've come to a conclusion. I'm about to enter a new era in my life. One in which you have no part of, other than as a friend. I'm about to become something without you. And I'm proud. I'm proud that I could come this far and begin to think about my life without you.

Thank you to my heart for holding out this long.

Thank you to my friends for holding my hand and letting my tears wet your shoulders.

Thank you to myself for finding the strength to become something and somebody on my own. I am my own person. I'm not Dave's girlfriend or Sarah's best friend. I'm Rachel Colleen Overholt and that finally means something.

So what if it means I'm odd. I call it quirky. So what if it means I'm a bitch. I call it opinionated. So what if it means I'm a smart-ass. I call it quick-witted. So what if I'm Rachel Colleen Overholt. I call it myself and I make no apologies.

I feel what I feel and I accept it. I do what I want and I accept it. I live how I live and I accept it. That's the difference from a year ago. I'm willing to accept that now is now and I am me and I don't have to apologize for any of those things. If you don't want it, then you don't want me and that's okay.

I'm running my own show. I'm becoming a senior in high school and I'm becoming it on my own. You didn't help me and you didn't hinder me. I did what I did out of my own free will and I know that now.

I don't need you. I don't need her or him or them or anyone. I am my own person and for once in my life, that's enough. I'm enough. And I make no apologies.

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