Sexy Eyebrow Ring Man :)
written on 2001-07-22 at 7:35 p.m.

I went out to dinner with my dad tonight. It's kind of sad. He's being who he is and it's causing problems in his marriage. I don't want them to get a divorce, because she's the only true friend he has, other than his brothers. I don't want to have to visit my dad when he's 50 and have him be alone at home, playing guitar and making things with wood all day.

Actually, now that I wrote that out, it sounds like a kind of cool life. So, whatever you want, Dad.

I worked today minus Tish. It was weird being in there without her. Sundays are the days that I stand around and read both papers. But today, Theresa was there, so I couldn't stand around. I had to actually work. Plus, I don't have the friendship with Theresa that I have with Tish.

Yesterday, Sexy Eyebrow Ring Man came in. Tish was going to ring him up, but she noticed who it was and she said, "Oh, Rachel, you can get this next guy. He just has butter." Thank you Tish for realizing my obsession. Hee hee.

Then, I ring him up and he asked if my lip ring hurt and I gave my compulsary "Not as much as you'd think" answer that I've given oh so many times in the past week. He asked if it hurt more than a side one would and I gave him a little grin and said, "Well, I don't know. I don't have a side one, do I?" Then T.T. said something about getting my "other lips" pierced. I just blushed and said, "Okay, I'm going to ignore that, uh..." and Sexy Eyebrow Ring Man finished it for me. He said, "...that rude comment?" And I smiled and nodded and told him to have a good day.

Then, he's walking out and T.T. says, "You want him, don't you?" And I just looked at her and said, "Yes. Bad." And I was walking on air, in all my grammatical incorrectness. T.T. said next time he comes in, she's gonna tell him I want him. I just told her to do what she's gotta do.

Bad news of the week: Someone carded Sexy Eyebrow Ring Man and he's 23. Hmmm. Just a little illegal. So for the next five months or so, I can look but not touch. After that, it's up to him. Which is my way of avoiding rejection. Hee hee. It's good being me.

So that was my weekend, or at least the things I care to remember. I didn't delve into the mean man yelling at me, or the first good night's sleep I've gotten in awhile, or Justin's sexual advances. Life is good, but very hot and humid. And that's that.

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