La di fricken da.
written on 2001-08-09 at 1:09 a.m.

Today at work, Justyn, who I repeatedly joked around with about being older than him because he was born the day after I was, came into work and tried to buy a fifth of Jack. Ha. Ha ha ha. That's funny. I'm a day older than this kid and he's trying to come off as being 21. And he had his older brother's ID, who's 24. So, I'm thinking no. I played basketball with you in 5th grade. I had a crush on you in 6th grade. You went out with my best friend in 7th grade. I went bowling with you right after you got your license last year. You're not even close to 21, much less 24. Ha ha ha. You're funny, Justyn.

And Jason came in and we talked about sky diving. He's so cute. Yeah. I'm obsessive and proud of it.

Life at Stanley's is going good. 21 hours this week, plus Warped Tour. God, I'm freaking out already. I can't wait.

It's about 200 degrees outside right now. Seriously, it got up to 99. And it's humid. So it probably felt like 105. I took out the garbage at work and almost had a heat stroke. I'm tired of Michigan. I'm moving to someplace dry, with a steady climate. Michigan is like the manic depressive of the weather community. It's either 100 degrees outside or else it's 40 below. There's probably three months out of the year that are good for me.

And I'm finally recovered from my hangover from Monday night. Heather, Vicki, and Mel came over and Heather and I would've made my Irish ancestors proud. Somehow, we ended up outside, walking in front of these guys at 11 o'clock at night with our shirts off (we still had our bras on). Then, we came back here, sat on the porch and Heather, Mel, and I decided to flash each other. Then, we took at drunken trip to 7-11.

We ended up at Brownstown Middle School at 3 in the morning and I walked around and remembered how I first got into punk music. There was the hallway that Sarah first hummed Ruby Soho in. And then it got stuck in my head. So I had to go buy the album. And Sarah had an interview of Rancid on tape and I borrowed it and taped it and that became like our bible. And suddenly, I was in it for life.

I wonder what my life would be like if she'd never got that song stuck in my head. I'd have a lot of pent up anger and I'd probably listen to a lot of heavy metal.

And I would never be the well-rounded person that you see before you today. :)

Either way, for what it's worth, I'm glad she did sing it that one day before Algebra. I like who I am. I like my life and that way I live it.

We were driving on Grosse Isle and I was leaning my head out of the window and the sky was perfectly clear and the stars were out and Good Charlotte was in the CD player, Festival Song and I just thought, "If I could live life exactly like this forever, it would be okay." And I meant it. I've got my friends. I've got nothing but promise in the future. I've got good music. What more is there?

And I think I'll end on that positive note.


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