Last Friday before school.
written on 2001-08-24 at 10:41 p.m.

On Saturday night, I talked to Vicki about Jared. She asked me how we started talking and I explained it and then she asked if I even hung out with him. I told her I hadn't even met him and probably wouldn't for a long time. And now it's Friday and I've hung out with him three days this past week. Weird how stuff like that happens.

Problem. He was talking the other night and said something about how he didn't know if Courtney had a boyfriend. I don't know if I should tell him about Josh. I don't want him to get even more depressed. But I get this gnawing at my stomach every time he talks about it. I just want to tell him. I feel like I'm lying, even though he never came out and actually asked me. I feel like this is kind of repetition of the whole Stephanie-Dave situation and I feel like I would want to know. So maybe I should. Or maybe I should just mind my own business. I don't know. What a surprise.

School starts on Tuesday. I just want to get in there and get into it. I just want to get it over with. Jamie came in to Stanley's today and we were talking about being seniors. That gets me excited. I just want to be done with it. And soon, I will.

Mom might be going to see Mike next month. She asked if I wanted T.T. to come stay with me. I do. She said that her and Kristen would take me out and get drunk if she did, but I don't know. Going out and getting drunk with them means I go out to the track and if I had wanted to go with them to that, I just would've asked before. Whatever.

Nothing much is going on. We're all just winding down the summer. School is almost here and we're just ready to get into it. My sister is VERY excited about starting school, although I don't know why. She's always liked school. I used to, but that wore off a long time ago when I realized that all the kids I actually wanted to see at school were the kids I hung out with all summer anyway, so going to school wasn't doing anything different to me anyway except making me get up early and do homework.

I took a ton of blow-off classes though, so it shouldn't be too bad. I got art and gym and three different classes with Web. Plus Newspaper, which I hope to be the editor of this year. I'm crossing my fingers.

That's it. Go home.

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