Back to school, back to school, to prove to Dad I'm not a fool.
written on 2001-08-30 at 11:21 p.m.

For the first time in my entire school career, I actually fell asleep in class today. You must understand how tired I have to be to fall asleep in public. I don't sleep well unless I'm alone. I have problems even falling asleep if someone else is in the room. Even if it's my sister or a very close friend of mine. And yet, in World Lit, I fell asleep today until after the bell and the sub had to wake me up. It was a sad, sad situation. This girl Melissa told me in fifth hour that everyone was trying to wake me up and I just wouldn't wake up.

The reason was because instead of sleeping last night, I went over Jared's house. Damn kid with his fluffy milk and THERMOkabob. He's the only person I know that I can watch infomercials with and have a good time.

I don't want to go to school tomorrow. We don't find out who got the editing position in Newspaper until Tuesday because Jeff won't be there until then and she doesn't want to announce it until he comes back. Stupid Jeff. People suck.

I came home from school and my sister, Phil, Lori and I ate an entire box of popsicles just so my sister could have the sticks with the jokes on them. That's no good for your stomach. I think I OD'd on sugar.

Either way, I'm back in the mix. School is okay. Life is okay. I still don't know if I'll be editor, but I can live until Tuesday, especially if I get some sleep.

Rachel is tired.

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