Newspaper and more newspaper.
written on 2001-09-18 at 8:19 p.m.

I am so proud of our newspaper this month. Jeff, Ms. Kallas, and I have put so much effort into it (more so them than me), and it turned out really well. Plus, we loved the front page so much, we're going to get it printed in color. It wouldn't look right any other way. We have a picture of Gishmo carrying a sign that explained that the band marched silent in the Homecoming parade to honor those whose voices were silenced on Sept. 11, 2001. Plus, we have a picture of an American flag blowing in the wind. It would look bad in black and white, so we went with color, even though it'll end up costing $250 more.

It's kind of funny the way the kids in that class are. If they have problems, they either turn to Ms. Kallas, or me. I'm the leader. Jeff is the worker. I think as a team, our differences work together to form a perfect union. Jeff knows all the computer stuff and I know all the editing stuff. I'm the people person and Jeff is the silent one. I'm this year's Katy and he's this year's Cristen, except he's a mean bastard, and Cristen was a sweet girl. Either way, despite our constant bickering, I think it'll work out to our advantage this year.

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