The Riddlin' Kids and my drunken birthday.
written on 2001-12-16 at 11:34 p.m.

One of these days, my plan to murder Bill Gates and take over Microsoft so I can make it perform correctly will happen and I will smile for the rest of my life. As of right now, Microsoft (the Bill Gates version) just shut down Internet Explorer as I was working on an entry for like 45 minutes straight. Now, because of Microsoft, you can't read my description of my experience meeting The Riddlin' Kids. You can reach Bill Gates at Microsoft headquarters and my suggestion is that you inflict pain, lots of pain, upon him and only him.

I will say this. I met them. Clint is a cutie and he was enough to draw me back to them anyday. Such a nice guy. Dustin is awesome because he went out of his way to help me get the interview on track and he likes the Bouncing Souls, especially "How I Spent My Summer Vacation." This makes anyone okay in my book. Mark is cool. He made fun of me for talking with my mouth full and he owes two cigarette he's smoked in his lifetime to me and my matches. Dave is their drummer and I didn't actually talk to him, but if he hangs out with the other three, he can't be all that bad.

They rock live too. I'm definitely seeing them again, even if I never get to interview them again in my life.

But that will be all on that subject because I'm VERY bitter towards Microsoft right now. I'll probably write it out tonight and type it up tomorrow, but I want it actually in my hands before I start typing.

Now, my birthday party. Rachel drinks and she becomes "DRUNKEN RACHEL." I don't know if I like Drunken Rachel so much anymore. Drunken Rachel falls over a lot. She also laughs WAY too much at the stupidest things. And, as was my experience on Friday night, she's a fucking slut. Oh yes, mes amis, not only did I spend a good half-hour on Andrew's lap, I also managed to have sex with Joe's friend Keith for THREE HOURS in my bedroom. I do not remember much, but I do remember afterwards, coming outside and Vicki told me that I told her at 12:30 that I was going to go upstairs for a "few minutes" and then I came back downstairs at 3:30.

Sober Rachel= good. Drunken Rachel= bad. I do not think that Drunken Rachel will be making many more appearances. I was very ill all day Saturday. No throwing up, but I was close about 7 gazillion times. Blech.

And now I'm ready to go back to school. I wonder if Joe knows. I wonder if I'll care if he does. Oh, I'm PMSing this week, of course I'll care. Then I'll get over it.

And that's it, except for these closing thoughts:

1. Clint Baker from The Riddlin' Kids is my new future husband, considering Greg's married and I've actually met Clint, unlike Greg, who I've only stood next to and sung with.

2. Drunken Rachel has taken early retirement. Okay, that's a lie. She's just on sabatacle.

3. My birthday will come and go and I will not feel a day older. Wisdom comes from experience, not time. Time is just something that passes as you wait for the experience. Tick, tock. I will be watching the clock. Until December 18, at which point I will be 18 years old.

4. If you get a chance, listen to some Riddlin' Kids. You will like them. They rock hardcore.

5. Think good thoughts about me on Tuesday. If you can't manage that, just make sure you aren't thinking bad thoughts. It's my birthday. Keep the bad karma vibes away from me.

And that is it.

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