The laziest person alive.
written on 2001-12-19 at 9:24 p.m.

Here's my story about how lazy I am. I got home and I had to work up the energy to cook something. This sounds great, but for me, it's just two foods: macaroni and ramen noodles. That's the only two foods I will cook for myself.

So I get home and I actually debated which was worst, my hate of hunger or my hate of moving when not necessary.

When I broke down and finally decided to cook, I went to the cupboard and decided that I really wanted macaroni and cheese. But that takes longer than the ramen. You have to take the butter, wait for it to melt, put in the milk, put in the cheese, and stir until it all mixes together. Usually, all too much work for me. But, because it's too much work to cook the macs and cheese, I had ramen for dinner the last two nights. So I decided, okay, I'm going to suck it up and actually make the damn macaroni and cheese so I don't burn myself out on the ramen.

I put it on, waited the ten minutes it took to cook it, stirred up all the ingredients and got ready to eat my masterpiece. Then, I go into the cupboard and find that I have no bowls. So, rather than wash one, I grabbed a fork and ate right out of the pot.

Heh. I will NEVER survive in the real world. And they say I'm an adult...

They're funny.

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