My Christmas shopping is almost done. Almost, but not quite.
written on 2001-12-20 at 10:36 p.m.

I finally did my Christmas shopping today. Another sign that I'm lazy: I waited until five days before Christmas to get it done. I'm not even actually done. I still have to buy for Mel and Heather, but we're not exchanging until after Christmas, so that can wait.

We spent three and a half hours at the mall and I spent $220. I did, however, pick up two things for myself, but I don't feel bad about that. I consider it compensation for braving the mall crowds on December 20. Did I mention that I hate the mall? Well, I do. So I deserved it.

I got the soundtrack for Not Another Teen Movie, which is awesome because it has all the bands of today covering 80's songs. The best of both worlds, as they say.

I found out on Sunday that my step-brother was the Set Medic on that movie, so now I'm going to have to go see it just to see Mike's name in the credits.

But now, I'm 18, Cory's 18, my Christmas shopping is (almost) done and tomorrow is the last day of school before Christmas. I'm finally beginning to get relaxed. Maybe now I can just enjoy Christmas.

Yay for me.

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