I have glue in my hair, and everyone else graduated tonight and I didn't.
written on 2002-06-05 at 12:36 a.m.

I almost cried tonight.

She came in to see me and I finally understood what Sarah meant. I didn't want to admit it, but she's changed.

But I almost cried tonight.

But then T.T. asked me if I was happy in my life. She asked if I was okay with what I was doing and I said yes. Then she said that if I was happy, then why did I need what they have in order to make me complete?

And I can't explain it, but that made it all alright. It was just like, if I'm already happy, then why can't I just accept that, and live my life in the way that I'm going to live it. I don't need a blown-out ceremony to prove that I'm okay. Because I am okay.

I am okay.

I am just fine.

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