A short update. I should probably do this more often.
written on 2002-07-25 at 2:34 p.m.

Life is getting better.

On Sunday, we applied for a one-bedroom apartment. We find out tomorrow if we get it. If so, on August 18, I'll be moving out. Actually, it'll take a few days, probably, to move out, but you get the idea.

And this Sunday, I'm going to go over to my dad's and eat dinner. I'm also going to tell him about us moving out. I guess Mike's getting married and having a baby, so we're going to talk about that too.

And I'm working more. Which is good. More money is always good.

One bad thing going on is the fact that my brother isn't too happy with me right now. It's from a combination of things, but what it boils down to is that he's been writing me insulting, consdecending emails because he said I insulted and slandered him. Kind of hypocritical, but what are you going to do? I've been trying to be civil about the whole thing, while still explaining my position, but he's really making it hard. I won't go as far as to copy the emails into here, but they were fairly... well, mean, for lack of a better word.

I don't know. Part of me wishes it could just go back to the way it was, before the Navy, when I actually liked Paul. No, wait, all of me wishes that.

But he is who he is now and I'm not the only one who isn't too impressed with that. And you can't change who a person is. Especially not Paul.

Enough on that. I'm tired of talking about him and his faults and blah, blah, blah.

I've got to go to work today and work 5 to close. I've decided that I like closing. It usually goes by quickly and it's usually a good amount of hours. I think that I'll like it better on weekends though, because I haven't closed on a weeknight in a long time and I don't remember particularly liking doing it.

Either way, Fatty said he'd stop by my work to visit me, so I'm excited. And then he's picking me up. Yesterday, he fixed my TV, so we'll have one when we move out. Even if we don't get that one apartment, we're still going to move out. We'll just apply someplace else.

That paragraph had no point. I'm just excited to see him at work, because that place sucks and he doesn't. So, yeah.

And that's it for Rachel's life.

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