White Russians, Rob Santello, and Hayden.
written on 2003-02-01 at 3:26 a.m.

So I finally tried White Russians tonight. Not too impressed. After all the hoopla that Tish made about them, I'm fairly disappointed. But I was drinking them and I figured something out. I don't really like drinking. Okay, I was at work today, and I thought, man, I really want to be drunk tonight. And so I had one drink tonight, and I stopped because... I don't like drinking. I don't like the taste, I don't like feeling that way, I don't like the things I do when I feel that way, and I don't like the way you feel the next morning.

Now, don't get me wrong. There are a few nights I've had that drinking was very fun. In fact, the last 6 months I was 17 was entirely like that. But now... it's just not as cool. I wonder why that is.

I mean, okay, my mom spend the majority of my adolesence drunk, but you'd think that'd deter me from it altogether. I don't know. Maybe I'm just around the wrong people now while I drink. Ah well.

Anyway, I've been re-re-reading "Bloodclots in the Mainstream". I think I've actually read it four times. And every time I read it, it gets me thinking. I remember reading it for the first time, right after I got home from Warped. I sat out on the front porch, and I read it while I smoked cigarette after cigarette and felt cool because I was. I don't know. I think that just sitting on the porch, at one in the morning, reading about life in punk rock really made me feel like I was... I don't know. I guess I kind of felt like I belonged, which was really weird, because no one else was there. I don't know how to explain it.

But Rancid's on the Warped Tour this summer, so I'm heading out that way. Who knows? Maybe I'll meet Lars and Brett again, although it's not really meeting if you've met them once.

I'm listening to Hayden. I like Hayden. Hayden is good. Especially "Skates". I almost cried the first time I heard that song. Like, it seriously disturbed me. I was like 12 and Paul played it for me and I went to bed that night and I thought about it. And I was sad, because... well, because it's very sad. But the whole album is great. I've got to hand it to my brother. For the most part, he's got a good taste in music. Or at least he did. I don't know what he's listening to lately.

And that's it for today.

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