We've got your forbidden acts right here.
written on Tuesday, Apr. 08, 2003 at 2:57 AM

So, tomorrow my work week finally comes to a long-awaited close. I worked 8 hours tonight and I just wanted to come home. The funnest part of the night was the fax war we had with Tiffany's. First, I sent one to Ron that said, "ATTN: RON. We want your hot bod. Love, the Stanely Girls." Then he sent one back that was an ad for a phone sex line that he got out of the back of Hustler or something. It said, "Forbidden acts" and a bunch of other shit, only he replaced the number and some other shit with stuff he wrote. So I wrote one back that said, "Ron and Justin, we've got your forbidden acts over here. Come and get them." And a minute later, Justin came in the door. It was funny.

But Kristen came by and said she was probably going to go out with Jay the stripper and so we got all excited. Then the bastard never called her back, which is such a guy thing to do. But she was all dressed up with nowhere to go. So, we went to shoot pool. We closed out the pool place and I still didn't want to go home, so we went to Meijer and walked around for a couple hours. It was fun. I like hanging out with Kristen.

And now I'm home, at three in the morning, and I'm not tired yet. But my back hurts. Tomorrow is payday and I only work 3 hours. It's going to be a good day.

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