My father's goodbye.
written on Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 at 9:43 PM

My dad called me a couple days ago. I wasn't at home, seeing as I work nights, but he left a message. It went something like this:

"Rachel, this is your father. I just wanted to call you to tell you the this weekend we're going to California and we're going to stay... well, Georgette is going to stay for a few months, but I've got a job offer and so I'll stay a couple of days unless I get the job, in which case I'm staying. So, if that happens, I'll call you with the new number and everything. Wish me luck."

That was possibly my father's goodbye. Isn't it grand... no, wait, it's one of the crappiest goodbye's I've ever heard.

Maybe I'm cynical. Or maybe I expect to much.

Is that it? Do I expect too much?

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