I want to remove my back...
written on Monday, Apr. 14, 2003 at 3:01 AM

My back hurts. And it's not the sore kind of "Oh, I worked all day" hurt. It's the, "Hmm. I think I'm going to take a knife and remove that muscle, because I think that pain of having it gone will be less than what I'm feeling now," kind of hurt. And it's been feeling like that for almost a week now.

So I got home tonight from work, and it was especially painful. Apparently, a perscribed therapy for back pain is not to stand on your feet all day waiting on drunks. Anyway, I put icy hot on it. I had Brian try to rub the pain away. I ate Pizza Hut in hopes of appeasing my sore muscle. I laid down in my bed to read awhile, to try to relax the sore muscle. Nothing works. So I resorted to the old, "Warm Bath" treatment.

Mind you, I've taken a "VERY Warm Bath" the last three or four days. It didn't help then. But I was hoping that the miracle would happen and this time would be different.

Well, the throbbing in my back tells me that it wasn't different this time. But my hair got kind of wet and then, when it dried, it dried in the cool 40's hairdo, the swoopy on top and all curly on the bottom do. It's sweet.

Silver lining in every cloud, I tell ya.

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