Stanley's Market: Buyer beware.
written on Sunday, May. 18, 2003 at 3:22 AM

Paper Bag Chronicles, Part II


And we stand here, day after day, giving people what they want, which in this case is alcohol. They treat us like shit and we're expected to stand there and take it. Because the customer is always right. I think that anyone who's ever worked in retail will agree that that saying must've been first spoken by Satan himself.

I don't understand really why I'm still here, other than the fact that this is my family. It cannot be good for me, getting called stupid and being the butt of so many jokes because I look like a freak in their eyes. I can't really see myself anywhere else, at least not looking like I do. But I can't see myself here in the future, either.

Of course, when I began this gig 3 years ago, I didn't see myself still here, the butt of the same old jokes in 2003. The people come in here, make fun of whatever and then they leave, chuckling at themselves because they're better than me, didn't you know?

In the end though, working under these circumstances is okay, because at Stanley's Market ripping off assholes is not only allowed, but encouraged.

So my advice to you: Don't come into the store unless you plan on being nice.

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